The Safe Library: Security, Safety, and Service at the Moments of Truth


Spend time online with one of the nation’s leading experts on library safety and security. Dr. Steve Albrecht has trained thousands of library employees on handling challenging, entitled, eccentric, or even threatening patrons who may want to disrupt the library. His popular program offers practical and realistic communication, service, and de-escalation tools which will make your facility a better, safer place to work. Enjoy Steve’s real-life experiences as a 24-year library security consultant, mixed with his use of humor. Learn safety and security measures, personal protection methods, and how to activate your “high-stress” customer service skills. Here’s what Steve covers in this fast and empowering program:

  • Enforcing Our Code of Conduct: Knowing Dr. Steve’s Essential Eight
  • Creative Customer Service Tools
  • Having “Crucial Conversations”
  • Dr. George Thompson’s Verbal Judo: The L.E.A.P.S. Model
  • Our Top 10 List of Challenging Patrons
  • Managing Homeless, Mentally Ill, or Substance Abusing Patron Behavior Issues
  • Using Space, Distance, and Proxemic Barriers
  • Setting Better Boundaries With Patrons
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment of Staff by Patrons
  • Safety and Security for Rural Library Locations
  • The Run-Hide-Fight Response to Active Shooters
  • Our Library Facility Security Plan
  • Better Support From Law Enforcement